Carbon Monoxide is a deadly gas that killed just under 400 people in 2015.
As avid campers, we know a thing or two about keeping warm at night, zipped up under canvas. We’re careful, we use layers and hats as a preferable way of keeping warm. We do have a heater for particularly cold nights but it’s not often we use it. When we do, we use it very carefully.
Not everyone understands the risks they run when trying to heat a tent though and people have died in the past from Carbon Monoxide poisoning from barbecues and dodgy heaters.
There are some key ways to stay safe from carbon monoxide when camping:
- Never bring a barbecue into the tent. Even a small, disposable barbecue will give off carbon monoxide and can kill.
- Never use gas burners to warm your tent at night. Open flame is a terrible idea in a small, non-ventilated environment.
- Choose an electric heater for inside the tent, but still use with caution!
It isn’t just campers who need to be aware of the dangers of carbon monoxide though. The gas poses a risk in our homes, too. Npower have an infographic below which makes some very useful points.
Would you know if someone was potentially suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning? There are several main signs and symptoms, which are here:
If you would like to win a carbon monoxide and smoke alarm with That Lancashire Lass and npower, simply name three of the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning. Once done, confirm your entry using the gleam widget below.
Good luck!
Win a carbon monoxide and smoke alarm
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