Last week we started getting into the Halloween spirit and took a trip to Blackpool Tower Dungeon. The Blackpool Tower Dungeon brings together an amazing cast of theatrical actors, special effects, stages, scenes and a ride in a truly unique and exciting walk through experience that you see, hear, touch, smell and feel. It’s hilarious fun and it’s sometimes a bit scary.
Now my two youngest children aren’t really old enough for this attraction – it is aimed at ages eight and over because it can be pretty scary and quite a lot of it takes place in the dark. So I went off to soft play with them whilst my brave sister-in-law took my nephew and eldest son into the dungeons. I’m going to hand you over to my sister-in-law Kelly now to regale you with spooky stories…

Over to my guest reviewer…
The fun started just after picking up our tickets with a spooky jester running around, scaring people and telling jokes. Shortly afterwards, everyone was shown into a room where we were taken down in a dark lift to start our journey.
Visits to the dungeons are done in time slots, so we had a bit of a wait before it was our turn, though the entertainment made it feel like only a short time before we were on our way. The experience takes around an hour, during which visitors move between a series of rooms containing interactive shows which cover topics such as The Plague, a Viking Invasion and The Pendle Witches. Staff employ a series of tactics to get you squirming in your seat or jumping out of your skin – it really isn’t for the faint hearted! The actors are brilliant and really get everyone joining in, especially those they pull from the crowd for a bit of audience participation – much to the amusement of their respective families! The shows are amusing, educational and scary and everyone on our tour seemed to really enjoy it. Even the walks between the rooms caused a few jumps!
Once you’ve made your way through the majority of the tour (and almost pulled yourself back together), there is a short ride at the end which is a ‘drop ride’ (i.e. they strapped you in, raised you up and then dropped you down.) That makes a great finish to an already eventful tour.
There is an opportunity to purchase photos from the ride, as well as those that are staged as you enter the tour, once you reach the gift shop (in a bar – nice touch!). Photography is not permitted during the tour but here is a video from The Dungeons website to whet your appetite!
The Blackpool Tower Dungeon Halloween special is on now until 4th November and you can get discounted tickets through the website here… but are you brave enough?!
We were guests of Blackpool Tower Dungeons and thank them for our complimentary visit in order to produce this review.