
I had big plans for this blog.

A couple of months ago I was determined to really throw myself into blogging and really make it grow. To earn a living from it. Then Christmas approached, the kids finished school and suddenly there wasn’t any time for me to schedule blog or facebook posts, and I hadn’t logged into twitter for a week.

We are due some big, big changes at home this year and with any luck one of them is to move house. There are more, but I’ll elaborate on those as plans come together.

Not looking at the blog for a couple of days turned into barely thinking about it for two weeks, but I know I need to do this first post of the year and I’ll be as enthusiastic as ever about it.

So to ease myself back in, I’m going to share some of my favourite posts by other bloggers rather than post some crap I forced myself to write.

So without rabbiting on, here are three posts that I have thoroughly enjoyed reading lately. I hope you enjoy them too!

Jane at Hodge Podge Days opened up about her experience at a playgroup, and how it changed her.

Kiran wrote beautifully over at Mummy Says about how we give ourselves such a hard time as parents and that sometimes, it’s okay to falter.

And my sister wrote about her year in 2015 and made me cry – again.

I still have big plans for this blog, but great posts come from the heart, and mine has been on a Christmas break.

I’ll be back tomorrow with some news about the exciting stuff I’m looking forward to doing with That Lancashire Lass in 2016, but for now please do enjoy reading those posts as much as I did!

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