The day before Rowan’s birthday, we’re off to see some of my old childhood friends. This friendly bunch bring back memories of pre-school fun, and I also recall having them with me while I got better on grandma’s sofa if I was off school, feeling poorly.

You may have heard of them. They’re a part of what might be termed in today’s society as a ‘blended’ family. Three characters from completely different backgrounds, looked after by their father figure in a happy family home.

Do you recognise them? Did you spend time with this cuddly trio as a child?


Well I’ve got great news – they’re back – and they’re coming to a theatre near you! Usually I would attend a show and then publish a review, but since the show isn’t coming to Manchester until August, I’m telling you now so you don’t miss your chance!

The Sooty Show is touring the UK from Now until November and is performing more than 100 dates across the country.

To find out where you can catch up with Sooty, Sweep and Soo, visit The Sooty Show website now!

My favourite character was always Sweep. I’m not sure why. Perhaps he’s endearing because he’s a bit daft, or maybe because he’s just so cute. I’m excited to find out which character Rowan likes best.

Seeing these characters made me thing back to other programs I loved as a kid. Does anyone remember James the Cat?!

My name’s James
James the Cat
I’ve had fame
Money, and all that …

Ahem. Anyway.

My husband liked The Poddington Peas when he was little and Superted too!

What did you watch as a child? Leave a comment – and if you have time leave me a link to a video on YouTube too so I can see it!

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