How Co-operative Food made my day
I’ve taken something of a hiatus from blogging of late, blogging only for work purposes and not really for pleasure. I’m 17 weeks into my third pregnancy and this time around I’ve suffered considerably more than I did with the boys. I didn’t think it was possible to be so exhausted after being awake for just four hours in a morning, but apparently it is. I do find I have more energy in the afternoons recently, though I’m still in bed shortly after the kids at night, and I wanted to pick up my blogging but just couldn’t find my get up and go.
Yesterday, a box arrived without prior warning from Co-operative Food. It was filled with treats for Mothers Day and contained information on their upcoming twitter party which was being held today. There was no obligation to join in, no mandatory requirements. It may have been just cake and tea but it really lifted my spirits and gave me the motivation I needed to get back on the proverbial horse. The simple gesture served as the catalyst to get out the laptop, serve up some sandwiches and get myself back on track. Perhaps it was something to do with me not feeling I was under pressure to join in with the campaign. Perhaps it was just well timed and I was ready to cosy up with WordPress once more. Who knows. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is that someone sent me something without expecting anything in return and it made more of a difference to me that they would know and I would ever have expected. Sure, they were hoping I’d join in with the twitter party, but only if I wanted to.
So today, why don’t you do something nice for someone else, with no expectations of what you might receive in return. It might just have more of an impact on them than you think.