Waterside Arts CentreThe Easter holidays are creeping up on us and before you know it you’ll be looking for ways to keep your little darlings entertained. If you’re in or near to Manchester, there is plenty to see at Waterside Arts Centre over Easter. Here’s a really quick run down of what’s on, when and all the other details you might need.

Topsy Turvy Theatre presents: CHRISTOPHER NIBBLE

  • Sunday 2 April
  • 2pm
  • £8.50 / £6.50

The guinea pigs of Dandeville love munching dandelion leaves so much that slowly but surely dandelions are disappearing from all over town.

Christopher Nibble knows that crunch time has come when there is just one dandelion left – but will this plucky little guinea pig have the flower power to save the day?

Written especially for children aged 2-7 Christopher Nibble is an uplifting story of one guinea pig’s selfless undertaking to help halt the disappearance of the delicious dandelion forever!

Age 2 – 7 | 60 mins

Barnstorm Theatre and Big Imaginations present: MONDAY’S CHILD

  • Saturday 8 April
  • 2pm
  • £8.50 / £6.50

Monday’s Child tells a simple poetic story of the unique bond between a little girl and an old woman suffering memory loss. Together, in a dream-like garden, they sing and dance and dress up as they joyously explore a treasure trove of memory boxes.

Sensitive, poignant, funny and exuberant Monday’s Child has wowed adults and children alike.

Age 4+ | 45 mins

Pigtails Productions present: THE TAP-DANCING MERMAID

  • Friday 14 April
  • 2pm
  • £11 / £9

Gather round for the Moon’s magical story about a tippetty-top tap dancer who he has been watching at night. Marina Skippett creeps down to the boardwalk every night to shuffle and stomp to the sounds of the sea. She can’t tap dance at home since her evil Aunty banned it. But then, one moonlit night, Marina meets a mysterious, watery boy and her life is never the same again!

The Tap-Dancing Mermaid brings you stunning puppets, original live music and tap dancing that will make you want to stick 50ps to your shoes and join in!

“The Tap-Dancing Mermaid is the perfect example of a show where the adults are just as enthralled as the kids.” A Younger Theatre

Age 3+ | 60 mins

Up & Over It presents: INTO THE WATER

  • Sunday 23 April
  • 2.30pm
  • £8.50 / £6.50

A fantasy dance adventure for the whole family from your favourite folk dance misfits. A foot-stomping, hand-tapping show set in a magical wasteland, where anything is possible and friendship is everything. Riverdance alumni Suzanne Cleary and Peter Harding have travelled the world with their take on traditional folk dance and even started an online hand dancing craze with over 12 million views. Packed with dance and percussion, this playful hour sees hands and feet fly at breathtaking speed, in a cheerful jumble of rhythmic precision and folk-filled fun.

Age 4+ | 55 mins

Open Attic Company presents: MUCH ADO ABOUT PUFFIN

  • Saturday 29 April
  • 1.30pm & 3.30pm
  • £8.50 / £6.50

Join Open Attic as they traverse stormy seas and reckless tides to bring you this funny tale about a man all alone, a friendly puffin, and a whole lot of fuss over nothing.

Much Ado About Puffin is about old habits, new friendships, and stepping out into the unknown!

“Perfectly pitched for kids who would not embrace lots of dialogue – very lovely show! My 3

& 6 year old enjoyed it very much in different ways because it was sensitively layered. Lots

of chuckles for mum and dads too!” -Audience Member

Age 4+ | 55 mins


  • Sunday 30 April
  • 1.30pm & 3.30pm
  • £8.50 / £6.50

The town is up in arms! Local resident Kilroy Quinn accuses Ursula Foot of being a shapeshifter and calls an emergency town meeting.

As Kilroy puts his case, the audience takes on the role of the jury. What will you decide – guilty or not guilty?

A wildly entertaining show that brings together storytelling, puppetry, comedy and an original musical score, this is a unique theatrical experience for young and old that asks a timely question: how do we treat outsiders?

Lawrence Speck, creator of hit show The Boggle, continues his series of lively family shows based on traditional English folk tales.

Age 4+ | 50 mins


  • Saturday 22 April
  • 6.30pm
  • £7 / £5

An all ages, all improvised show where two teams battle it out for laughs as players create quick-witted sketches, scenes and songs from whatever suggestions are thrown at them by the audience.

Perfect for birthday parties!

Age 8+

Lots to choose from there and all family friendly!

For more details and to book tickets visit the Waterside Arts Centre website or call 0161 912 5616.

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