As I said in yesterday’s post I’m planning to be a little more structured with the boys’ education this year. We’ve tried all kinds of different schedules, timetables, planners… nothing has worked properly so far. But this year would be Robot’s first year in high school so it’s time to look towards qualifications and/or plans for the future.
With that in mind, I’ve put together a timetable to start us off which I’ll adapt as the weeks go on. I’m not expecting for a moment to stick to the plan one hundred percents of the time – heck, probably not even 75% but it’s a different approach for us so we can see how things go and switch things up along the way.
Throughout the week we’ll cover each of the subjects on the curriculum. The three core subjects will tie in with the relevant stage of the curriculum and the rest will be interest led. We usually do a lot of our work with a topic-based approach and that works well for us, so we’ll be continuing with that using resources from Twinkl, Pawprint Badges, Teaching Packs, and others.
In the coming week we’ll be covering the following:
EJ will be continuing with the Doodle Learning apps he uses. We started off with both maths and times tables apps, but at 5 I think EJ might benefit from a different approach to learning his times tables so we’ve dropped that for now.
Robot will be using Mathswatch at KS3 level, working through the same topics as he would in school. This week he’ll be starting with KS3 Algebra.
For EJ, English work will continue to focus on sentence structure, spellings and expanding his vocabulary. His favourite word is still ‘no’, though at five years old I think that’s more to do with his attitude than his aptitude…
Robot will begin working through Twinkl’s KS3 lessons for year 7. The first topic is called ‘Coach Trip’ and involves collating, sorting, and recording information. It’s something that’s usually done as part of a group so we’ll be getting together with family for this. Learning and socialising at the same time… who’d have thought it?
For the last year-ish we’ve been using Love Science lessons as the basis of our learning, and we’ll continue to do that this year too. The lessons are suitable for both boys although they are at each extreme of the age range now really. Abbie, who runs the lessons, is really good at adapting to individual children’s needs during the live classes, and we can simplify or supplement the week’s learning to suit. This coming week is Digestion Week and if I’ve learned anything from Abbie’s classes it’s that if it can be messy and gross then it definitely will be – and the boys love that!
There are of course lots of other things we need to cover next week but I’ll get to those tomorrow.
Links to resources:
Love Science
[…] recently covered our plans for core subject material and this post is to detail basically everything else we’ll be doing this month. The boys […]