This is a really quick post about today’s invitation to play. I prepared this for my car-mad three year old and I think it’ll be one we revisit a fair few times until we crack our number recognition to 20. We’re doing well so far and have got 1-10 sorted, so hopefully it won’t take EJ long to pick up the rest.
As part of our home education resources, I subscribe to a website called Mrs. Mactivity. While the content is largely used for my KS2 aged son, we do get a fair bit of use out of the subscription for EJ too.
Mrs. Mactivity are absolutely brilliant for customer service and have a support group on Facebook too. It was in there that I asked for a customisable version of an activity I’d seen, though there already was one that I’d not spotted. If you have an idea for a resource though, the team at Mrs. Mactivity are always open to new ideas which I think is brilliant!
The great thing about these resources is that once we’ve cracked 1-20 we can move through the higher number with the same game, giving us continuity and an instant understanding of how the game works.
You can either drive the cars into a parking space each or use one car to cover all the spaces in turn, but you can make up your own rules as you see fit while learning numbers and practising some fine motor skills too – pun intended.
A Mrs. Mactivity subscription costs less than £15.00 per year and there are new resources being added all the time. If you join up and use the resources I would love to know what your favourite printables are! Share your photos or ideas for resources with me over on Facebook or Twitter.
*I pay for my own subscription to Mrs. Mactivity and this post is not sponsored.