Okay. This might be difficult because I have a confession. I don’t read too many blogs. I’m trying to read more, but at the moment the list is fairly small! Here we go …
1. The Brick Castle
2. Not Such A Yummy Mummy
3. Red Rose Mummy
4. My Mummy’s Pennies
5. It Started With A Squish
6. Wit Wit Woo
7. Get Out And See Stuff
8. Hit The Road, Pat
9. Hodge Podge Days
10. Grumpyishmum (well, it *is* mine …)
I know it’s supposed to be ten, but it’s my blog and I’ll have eleven if I want.
*flicks hair*
Laugh out loud love the hair flick x
Oooooooh you 🙂 I am loving your new blog too…. seems like you’re enjoying kt more and looks great!
Congrats in becoming debt free btw… we still have a long way to go xx