Another week flies by, another link up goes live, another blogger (me) is behind schedule … But at least today I’m writing the post with a chance of linking up, rather than writing it on Tuesday when I didn’t have a hope in hell. So this week … Day Forty Six We went on our …
#BEDA Day Twenty Five: A Moment
Today’s prompt from Outmumbered is for us to share a moment in our day. This was taken yesterday at the beach during a rare Mummy and Rowan day. Rowan was enjoying himself immensely and it was so nice to see him that happy!
#BEDA Day Twenty Four: A Summary Of Myself
Today’s prompt asks me to sum myself up in ten words. So here’s a little word cloud 🙂
#BEDA Day Twenty Three: What I’m Looking Forward To
Don’t tell anyone. It’s just between me and you. I’m really looking forward to Every year I start my Christmas shopping early, only to get side-tracked by Halloween and Louis’ birthday in October and ultimately leaving myself with about three weeks to do the rest of the shopping. This year I have already made great progress …
#BEDA Day Twenty One: My Favourite Blogs
Okay. This might be difficult because I have a confession. I don’t read too many blogs. I’m trying to read more, but at the moment the list is fairly small! Here we go … 1. The Brick Castle 2. Not Such A Yummy Mummy 3. Red Rose Mummy 4. My Mummy’s Pennies 5. It Started …
#BEDA Day Twenty: The Best Thing To Happen This Year
It’s simple. My husband and I have worked hard, we’ve scrimped and scraped, we’ve seen some truly rough times financially over the last ten years. This year… We became debt free. No more creditors apart from the mortgage. It’s a wonderful feeling and it certainly gets a thumbs up from us!
#BEDA Day Nineteen: Ten Favourite Foods
Easy. 1. Chicken. In general. 2. Spag Bol 3. Curry 4. Fajitas 5. Enchiladas 6. Salmon 7. Cod in Parsley Sauce 8. Chocolate 9. Strawberries 10. Grapes. Well, wine. Never made a curry for 15 people? In a tent? This is what it looks like.
#BEDA Day Eighteen: What I Collect
This is a difficult one for me. I don’t collect stamps, or shot glasses (anymore) or any of the things people often do collect. I’d have to say I collect … Memories. I spend a lot of time creating memories for my children, and in turn they are my memories too. I hope that when …
#BEDA Day Seventeen: My Day
Today’s prompt is to give a timeline of my day. I won’t do today because it’s not a regular day. This is what a school day looks like for us … 7am: Alarm goes off 7.30am: Alarm goes off again 7.45am: I realise I’m going to be late and drag my sorry arse out of …
#BEDA Day Fifteen: Destinations I Want To See
There are many places I’d like to see. A couple on my list of things to do before I turn 40 are St. Lucia and The Maldives, though there are other places I really would like to see, such as: Croatia: An amazing looking place in the brochures, Croatia looks like a place we would all …