Besides their main gift our children, like many others, have Christmas stockings filled with a few little bits and bobs. But what kind of thing to you put in the childrens’ stockings? Sometimes I’m at a bit of a loss really because in the past I’ve bought things that have been small and inexpensive but haven’t really been used by the boys once they’ve opened them. This year I’ve decided to buy fewer stocking fillers but what I have bought is better quality or will capture their interest more. I’ve found some other suggestions too for children with all kinds of interests…

Top Trumps

Top Trumps card games are always well used in this house. There are so many varieties that it’s almost impossible not to find one your recipient will like. This year I think we’re going to go for science based packs for Badger from their STEM range, and Minecraft for Robot.

Stickbots Blind Dino Eggs

The boys recently reviewed the Stikbots Pirate Movie Set and although you may not usually put pirates and dinosaurs together, this is animation and your only boundary is your imagination! I’ll be putting a Stikbots dino egg in each stocking so we can create even better clips with the boys!

Match Attax

Since the boys had their Match Attax Advent Calendar to review last month, we’ve become over run with these addictive trading cards! The boys have decided to share a book this year to give themselves a better chance of completing it, and they are finding friends to swap duplicate cards with too. I’m trying to find some cards they’re struggling to get so I can surprise them on Christmas morning. Fingers crossed I succeed! They’ve also collected three of the four Mega Tins so they’ll get the last one to share between them too.


What little treats will be in your childrens’ stockings this Christmas?

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