I’d heard that Weymouth beach was a good one, so I was keen to make sure we visited during our whistle stop tour of the area. The weather wasn’t exactly perfect for the beach but it was dry and not freezing so in true Brit style. Ted and I sat on the beach in our coats and boots while the boys, who apparently don’t feel the cold in any way, changed into shorts and splashed in the sea.

Weymouth sea

As hardened to the cold as us Northerners may be even we have limits, so before too long the boys were back and wrapped in an extra layer. They didn’t want to leave the beach though, so they caught an afternoon showing of Punch and Judy (which is far more violent and gender stereotypical than I recall it being as a child!).

Watching Punch Judy

By lunch time we’d had enough of the chill and the boys were hungry, so off we went in search of food and light entertainment.

We ended up at Weymouth Sealife Adventure Park which sits more or less on Weymouth front, albeit a little walk away from the main attractions. Inside, there are the usual sea creature exhibitions you’d expect from a Sealife centre as well as quite a few fairground rides and a small outdoor pool with slides. The boys did go in the pool for a short time but Rowan’s lips developed a hint of blue and so despite his protests we got them dry and dressed for the second time that day.

The rest of the afternoon passed quickly in the Sealife centre before we hopped back on the bus to the campsite near Charmouth. It was quite nice to spend the day without heavy luggage on our backs and at least one of us managed to catch up on some sleep…

beach sleep

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