Betsy’s favourite thing ever is running. She has seemingly endless amounts of energy and it’s really rare to see her completely worn out from a walk, even if you’ve been out all day with her.
At Chesham Woods Betsy has lots of the thibgs she loves – open fields, forest, streams and (usually) mud! All of those things mean that Betsy loves to go to Chesham Woods for a walk.
We usually park in the Lido car park and walk over the lido to the woods. In this area there are actually several differently named woods but Chesham is the first one you come to from this direction.
We usually take the same path each time as Betsy likes to run on ahead of everyone. This means she doesn’t lose us easily and knows where she’s going. Though to be fair if anyone was to get properly lost it wouldn’t be the dog. I’m almost certain it would be me and Betsy would probably show me how to get back – it wouldn’t be the first time!
We head down the main path first. Well, we usually do. This week it was so flooded that the water was higher than our wellies!
Fortunately there is an alternative route so we could still head in the same direction until we reach a little stream. Here we cross the bridge – all except Betsy who usually takes a more direct – and altogether wetter – route through the water.
From the stream we make our way to a bit of a clearing where the boys have found a tree swing. Each time we go the swing is the main source of entertainment for the boys and Betsy just runs around the clearing like a bit of a crazy thing.
We walk further on into the woods and Betsy will run ahead and keep coming back, keen to be the leader but too timid to go too far. Then when we’ve had enough exploring we’ll turn back and follow our route back to the lido.
This is a really easy walk and perfectly suitable for the children and even a stroller at a push, though I wouldn’t recommend it with the tendancy for the entrance to flood.
After walks in the woods, we always check Betsy over for ticks. They can be dangerous for dogs if they are left to burrow into the skin, so a bath is in order for our mud magnet hound!
Once she’s washed, checked and dry there is only one way for a dog to spend their evening and that’s snuggled up on her gorgeous Scruffs blanket! I’m so jealous of this dog blanket, it’s really fluffy and comfy. The kids even tried it out before the dog did!
Though not a huge fan of bathing, Betsy does seem to forgive us very quickly once she’s on her cuddly blanket in front of the fire.
If your dog deserves a Scruffs Snuggle Winter Wonderland Blanket for Christmas, (and let’s face it, what dog doesn’t?), they are available from and come in either grey or red. They’re also beautifully packaged so a perfect gift for the canine members of the family!