There have been some incidents in our local area recently where children have come into contact with Giant Hogweed. Some have suffered burns as a result. A park nearby has Giant Hogweed growing along the riverbank, so people who aren’t aware of the dangers of the plant have had their skin come into contact with …
Shelter making in the woods
Day two of our #30DaysWild is all about building a shelter or den in the woods! We went over to Tatton Park in Cheshire to attend the Geronimo Festival that was held there. We had an amazing time and the boys were exhausted when we left. The highlight of their day though was heading into the …
30 Days Wild
30 Days Wild As a family, we are big fans of the outdoors. We love to explore new places, learn about our natural environment and see the boys appreciate the wonder of the natural world. Next month we are taking part in #30DaysWild, an initiative by The Wildlife Trusts designed to encourage families to get …