In pregnancy, the third trimester feels like it’s approximately six thousand days long. The heartburn gets worse, you can’t get comfortable at night, none of your clothing fits properly and staying awake all day is a huge acheivement.
Fortunately, there are people in this world with genius ideas who bring great products to the market. People like Vanessa Blake, creator of the dreamgenii pillow. I suffered quite a lot with PGP during my last pregnancy and slept with a regular pillow between my knees in an attempt to ease the pain in my hips. It helped a little bit, but I’m almost certain that had I had a dreamgenii during that pregnancy my symptoms wouldn’t have been so severe. When I fell pregnant this time, the awful recollection of the PGP pain came flooding back and I found myself getting really anxious about what this pregnancy would be like. By week 13 the pain had started in my hips and legs and I was sure that things would only get worse.
Now I don’t claim to have any medical knowledge or be an expert on Pelvic Girdle Pain, but I do know that not long after the pain began I started using a dreamgenii pillow – and no word of a lie the pain began to subside over the next few weeks. It could be coincidence of course, but I will now always, always recommend the Dreamgenii to pregnant friends.
I’m now three days from my due date and the pain hasn’t returned. A mixture of good support and good luck perhaps? Maybe – but whatever the reasons behind the absence of PGP this time I’ll take it!
A really simple concept, the specially designed dreamgenii pillow provides support for your bump (even before it’s a ‘proper’ bump), your knees and your back, and it really, truly works.
Vanessa designed the original dreamgenii pillow when she was pregnant herself, and I love that it was designed by someone who really understood what we need as uncomfortable pregnant women.
Not only is it comfortable and supportive through pregancy, it can also be used as a nursing pillow. I like to get value for money from any product and so its dual purpose only makes me love the dreamgenii more.
For more information or to buy a dreamgenii pillow, head over to You won’t regret your purchase!