A few weeks ago, I saw a shout out online from someone looking to grow their business and expand from America to the UK. They were looking for people to order through their website and see how long order were taking to reach their UK destination. I’m always happy to help (and a huge fan of free stuff) so naturally I offered my services!
Datevitation make the most adorable books full of personalised vouchers and I was really excited to try them. I’ve made my own version of these before but there’s something very special about the high quality, fully personalised and just plain gorgeousness of the Datevitation books.
So this is how they work:
You visit the website and choose your cover message. I would’ve liked one that said ‘we love you’ rather than ‘I love you’ because I made my book from both me and my husband for the kids. There is a section on the Datevitation website where you can make suggestions though, because they’re keen to hear what their customers think, which is great!
This was our cover:
Once you’ve chosen your cover you can personalise your book, which I think is a lovely idea. We addresses ours to the boys and we’re going to give it to them on the first day of the summer holidays. I’ve already got a fair bit planned for our six week holiday and I can’t wait to see their reaction when they see what’s in store!
The paper quality is excellent and I was really impressed with the presentation of the book when it arrived. The illustrations are just lovely too, and are tailored according to who the book is from/to. I think in the end I opted for ‘from a woman to a boy’ (I could be wrong though, I tried them all) but really these illustrations will suit most people regardless.
There is a fun option to add your own faces to the illustrations but I decided I liked these cute little stick people!
When choosing your ‘dates’ you can browse over 500 options. They give you some brilliant ideas! There are options for more risqué dates too but these are hidden when the sender is a boy or a girl (as oppose to a woman or a man), making the creation progress completely suitable for kids to do with their parents. If the recipient and sender are both men or both women, the adult-only options are available too, so nobody is left out 🙂 Then from there you can choose relationship type – either friendly or romantic, which helps to suggest suitable date ideas as you create your book.
You can add up to 46 coupons to your book, and a minimum of 5, and prices start from $25.00 which is around £17.00. Datevitation books are fun to make and even better to work though with the recipient!
In addition to the books, you can order add-on items like the stickers we received. These are a lovely idea too – you just stick them onto your calendar to remind you to use your lovely thoughtful coupons!
Are you excited about these yet? You should be! I’ve got a Datevitation book to giveaway to one lucky reader! You can choose a book worth up to $35.00 including delivery.
All you need to do is complete the Rafflecopter giveaway below … good luck!
What a fantastic Idea … just bookmarked their site as they would make perfect Christmas / birthday presents for my teenager – I think my first coupon would be for a visit to the theatre or cinema – there are just so many possibilities
Wow this is so hard because they’re all lovely! I think I would choose the Family Tree coupon first – I love that idea 🙂
a cooking class would be amazing!
I’d add one for a picnic!
music mix! i haven’t made someone a playlist since I was a teenager, I’d love a reason to take time out to do it again!
spa treatment
City tour 🙂
Family tree x
family treee perhaps
music mix 🙂
music mix
music mix
Definitely the Embarrassing Story coupon! My boyfriend and I have already done a fair bit of bonding by sharing these with each other, but there’s still plenty left to share, and it’s a great way to bond by laughing over silly moments!
The family tree coupon.
i like the Thumb War
I would start with something I already know we both enjoy, like a cinema trip coupon & then move onto the other ideas!
The family tree I think
Unofficial birthday!
Cinema would be my first choice or a meal.
Embarrassing stories sounds like fun!
Spa Treatment for my wife
music mix