We’ve been using the Izmi baby carrier for a couple of months now and have really been able to get a good idea of whether or not we like it. Izmi say:
The launch of the new Izmi Carrier means that, for the first time, parents and babies can enjoy the soft intimacy of a fabric sling, with the support and comfort of a buckled carrier. Designed by an expert babywearing consultant, and approved by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute, the revolutionary Izmi carrier combines the best of slings and carriers, creating the perfect way for parents to keep baby comfy, safe, and close all day.
Based on extensive research with both mums and dads, the Izmi carrier resolves issues parents reported. The unique straps spread to fit snugly across shoulders, and the body succeeds in combining the soft flexibility of a sling with the secure structure of a carrier. The head support provides vital support for newborns, and the adjustable seat, ensures the comfort and intimacy lasts as the baby grows, from birth to walking at 18 months approx.
The washable, quick drying lightweight fabric, and freedom that comes from the multiple carrying positions available, ensures parents will find their baby’s comfort zone. They can carry them on their front, side, or back; let them snuggle in close, or face out to enjoy the sights and sounds as they go about their day. The supportive design distributes the weight as baby grows, keeping the pressure off the parents’ back.
When I read this I was really looking forward to trying the Izmi carrier for myself.
So far so good.
First impressions
I have used a stretchy wrap and a more heavy duty buckle carrier so the Izmi seems to be a kind of meeting of the two. Soft and light light the wrap but sturdy with full buckles. Initially it felt very supportive of E and comfortable for me, but as I began to move around I felt it was digging into my hips quite a lot and I thought that actually it wasn’t going to be the fantastic piece of kit I was hoping for.
Undeterred, I asked some fellow mums if perhaps I wasn’t wearing it quite the way I should be and someone suggested that I might be fastening the waist too tight. After loosening that a bit I found that the carrier was much, much more comfortable! So if a carrier ever feels ‘not quite right’ then it’s always worth asking someone with a little more babywearing experience.
Putting Izmi to the test
I’ve used this carrier in both hot and cold weather and have found that it was almost impossible to wear E for very long in the hotter climate. The material is not breathable and so the climate coupled with our general body heat meant we both got very hot and sweaty very quickly and E had to go back into his pram. I must point out that these were temperatures of 30°C and not at all typical of our British weather, but if you’re thinking of buying a carrier to take to a hot country, it would be best to consider the materials used.
I’ve also worn E in the Izmi carrier on a fairly long walk over fields and through woodland and he fell asleep after about half an hour. I just fastened the head support and he slept perfectly well for a good hour as we walked. I felt he was comfortable and safe, and I was comfortable too.
Overall, I think this carrier is great for use in regular UK climate and for periods of up to a couple of hours.
What I liked
I like this carrier for a variety of reasons.
- It’s lightweight and comes with a storage bag which means you can have it with you all of the time. It fits into the changing bag without taking up too much room or we just keep it in the boot of the car.
- It’s simple. I love wraps and am probably going to buy a woven wrap as my next babywearing purchase, but they can be a bit of a faff. The Izmi carrier takes me literally 20 seconds at the most to put on and I can do the whole process whilst holding the baby. That’s really useful when we’re running late (which is basically always!). It’s also fully adjustable which means Daddy and even Grandma can babywear and it only takes a few seconds to adjust the carrier accordingly.
- It is very supportive. I know that if E falls asleep in the carrier he will be absolutely fine. He never looks uncomfortable and I don’t have to worry that he is going to wake with a stiff or sore neck because the head support works really well.
I washed my Izmi carrier in the washing machine on a 30° wash and it washed just fine. Don’t tumble dry it though – it isn’t recommended and the carrier dries pretty quickly anyway.
*We were sent this Izmi carrier by Cheeky Rascals in order to carry out this review.
I think carrying in hot weather is always tricky but he looks very happy in all of the photos. I can imagine baby wearing really works for you as a family so it’s good to see emE so comfy and happy.