
When The Lowry invited us to go along to see Peter Pan Goes Wrong, I really had no idea what to expect. I figured the show would be based on the usual Peter Pan story but would contain some twist or another.

What I didn’t bank on was a bunch of people crashing their vehicles in various parts of the city centre, my phone (and therefore satnav) dying a sudden and unexpected death en route, my car charger disappearing into thin air and an unscheduled toilet stop for my four year old, thus making me a bit late and missing the first five minutes of the performance despite them delaying the start (not just for me – lots of people were caught up in the traffic).

Nevertheless we settled into our seats before Wendy and her brothers had flown off to Neverland so we didn’t miss too much. As I sat down, I cringed as one of the characters accidentally knocked over a piece of the set. How terribly embarrassing! What I didn’t realise, though it became apparent very quickly, was that the broken set wasn’t an accident at all – there were pieces of set falling all over the place! That, in addition to the characters saying the wrong lines, more slapstick comedy than you can shake a stick at and some fantastically loveable characters makes Peter Pan Goes Wrong an absolutely brilliant show!

There are obvious jokes, subtle jokes, jokes that make the kids laugh their socks off and jokes that go way over their heads – I imagine every person in the audience tonight laughed out loud at least once. I certainly did! My kids were falling about laughing, they joined in with every ‘Oh no it isn’t’ and they talked about the show all the way home. Very loudly!

The storyline is essentially the same as the Peter Pan we all know and love but the show does actually do as advertised and goes wrong – very wrong! I suppose it was rather like a Peter Pan themed stage version of my disastrous journey to the theatre!

From a hookless Captain to an unconscious Peter Pan, a stuttering Lost Boy and a somewhat surprising star, each and every cast member plays their part perfectly in this beautiful disaster of a show.

Peter Pan Goes Wrong is on tour until Summer 2015 and is brought to the stage by The Mischief Theatre.

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