How Co-operative Food made my day I’ve taken something of a hiatus from blogging of late, blogging only for work purposes and not really for pleasure. I’m 17 weeks into my third pregnancy and this time around I’ve suffered considerably more than I did with the boys. I didn’t think it was possible to be …

Tuesday Treats
I’ve never really been at the forefront of fashion. I wear clothes I’m comfortable in and I never spend a lot of money on clothes for myself. One of the items on my list of things to do before I’m 40 is to spend £500 in one clothes shop on clothes for myself. Coupled with …
My life is complete: The chocolate edition
Tonight, my husband came home from work with this … Can it be true? A giant, larger than life Ferrero Rocher – all for me? It is true. I’ve never seen these before, so I recorded the grand unwrapping to share with you, because I’m either a little bit tapped or I love you a …