An overview of our home education activities during September

An overview of our home education activities during September
Well, nobody actually believed I’d show up every single month on here did they? Alright, I had planned to but you know how it goes. It’s New Year, then January, then April! I would say I’ll try harder but to be frank, that’s completely unnecessary pressure and nobody needs that. I’ve backed off with the …
As I said in yesterday’s post I’m planning to be a little more structured with the boys’ education this year. We’ve tried all kinds of different schedules, timetables, planners… nothing has worked properly so far. But this year would be Robot’s first year in high school so it’s time to look towards qualifications and/or plans …
This is a really quick post about today’s invitation to play. I prepared this for my car-mad three year old and I think it’ll be one we revisit a fair few times until we crack our number recognition to 20. We’re doing well so far and have got 1-10 sorted, so hopefully it won’t take …
My big plan was to have my two year old make paint with me today, but as it happens I’m his minion and that’s my job. He simply would like to play with the paint once it’s ready. Put in my place, I quickly whipped up some paint ready for our invitation to play. I …
The boys used to attend a forest school where they were working towards something called the John Muir Award. They weren’t able to complete the award as we had to stop attending the forest school, but I decided to look into the John Muir Award separately. What is the John Muir Award? The John Muir …
We recently discovered a website that I think will be invaluable for the boys, particularly the younger two. Pawprint Badges is an organisation that supports teachers, group leaders and parents with free-to-download resource packs covering a wide range of educational and inspiring activity ideas. With over 40 challenge packs covering topics including animals, nature, national …
Everywhere I turn these days I see new toys popping up on the market. It’s the time of year when everyone is competing to be the must-have toy. Sometimes I look at what’s on offer to our kids today and I think ‘Wow, we’ve come so far in technology in such a short space of …
The BFG is our favourite Roald Dahl story, so for Roald Dahl Day this year we decided to do a few related activities to mark the occasion. We have read the book so we watched the film, and my thoughts turned to other possible ways to celebrate. In the end we decided on making Snozzcumbers …
We have just returned from a 5 day break at Ribby Hall with fellow blogger Jane and her little boy, and we are full of tales of adventure! One thing I wanted to get written down while it was fresh in my mind was the incredible bat walk we went on while we were there. …