1) A Few Good Men.
This film has been one of my favourites since I first saw it many, many years ago. It’s one I can watch after not seeing it for ages and still be able to quote line after line as I’m watching it.
Go Jack!
2) Grease.
I love most sing-a-long movies. If you’ve been reading my posts you’ll know how much I love to sing so this will come as no surprise to you!
Oh, and those dimples!
3) The Help
I can’t watch this without crying. Why a film that makes me cry would be one of my favourites might escape some people, but it’s just so well done.
4) Pulp Fiction
Another John Travolta film in my top five, albeit a very different character! Pulp Fiction is the most messed up, scatter-brained loveliness.
And last but by no means least …
5) The Fifth Element.
I could watch this film a thousand times. The lead characters are all brilliant and I want to be LeeLoo!