You WANT me on that wall. You NEED me on that wall.

1) A Few Good Men.

This film has been one of my favourites since I first saw it many, many years ago. It’s one I can watch after not seeing it for ages and still be able to quote line after line as I’m watching it.

Go Jack!

Oh, those summer naaaaaahiiiiiiiights!

2) Grease.

I love most sing-a-long movies. If you’ve been reading my posts you’ll know how much I love to sing so this will come as no surprise to you!

Oh, and those dimples!

the help
You is kind. You is smart. You is important.

3) The Help

I can’t watch this without crying. Why a film that makes me cry would be one of my favourites might escape some people, but it’s just so well done.

You know what they call a Quarter Pounder in Europe?

4) Pulp Fiction

Another John Travolta film in my top five, albeit a very different character! Pulp Fiction is the most messed up, scatter-brained loveliness.

And last but by no means least …


5) The Fifth Element.

I could watch this film a thousand times. The lead characters are all brilliant and I want to be LeeLoo!


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