I’ve always made my own pancakes on Pancake Day, with varying degrees of success. I’ve bought those bottles containing the powdered mixture, just added milk and tried those. I’ve never bought ready made pancakes though until this year.

I do my weekly shop at Aldi mostly and they always have special buys on depending on what’s going on, occasion-wise. I’ve been today and they have loads of Chinese foods because of the new year (it’s the year of the sheep, in case you’re interested. If you are interested, Eileen from ET Speaks From Home has done loads of pretty awesome Chinese New Year posts).

So since it was pancake day I picked up some treats for us to try out – including ready made pancakes.

Pancake Day Goodies
Pancake Day Goodies

Now I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking ‘CHEESE? REALLY?’. Well you’re not the only ones. I had several comments on the photo I posted questioning the presence of cheese in the photo.

A few years ago there was a place in Manchester called The Dutch Pancake House. I loved that place. It was grubby and the staff were clearly wishing they could be anywhere but at work most of the time, but the super huge pancakes? Awesomeness! (By the way, if you remember The Dutch Pancake House in St. Peters Square, please tell me whether I’m right about the wonder of the pancakes or if I’m looking back through rose tinted specs!)

My favourite pancakes were the savoury ones, so since the Aldi pancakes state they’re good for sweet or savoury fillings I thought I’d give a savoury one a whirl too, for old times sake.

Savoury is okay, but sweet is better!
Savoury is okay, but sweet is better!

I had chicken, onion and cheese in mine while the boys just opted for sweet ones. I admit, mine wasn’t quite as good as I remembered a savoury pancake to be!


The boys loved theirs though. One of them had chocolate spread with rainbow drops, and the other had raspberry spread with popping candy! I’ve never seen anything like the popping candy spread so naturally I had to try it too.

special buy spreads available at Aldi for Pancake Day
special buy spreads available at Aldi for Pancake Day

Each pancake requires heating in the microwave for around 30 seconds, which makes the pancake nice and soft and the spread go on much easier.

I did try to add some fruit to the boys’ Pancakes, but only Louis would let me near his sugary snack with any of the healthy stuff! Luckily Rowan is obsessed with fruit of any kind usually so I decided to let it slide just on this occasion.

Raspberry spread with popping candy and bananas (and a tangerine nose)
Raspberry spread with popping candy and bananas (and a tangerine nose)
This is how excited her was before the sugar. Imagine what he was like afterwards!
This is how excited her was before the sugar. Imagine what he was like afterwards!

The verdict was good. The boys loved their Pancake Day treats and I was even persuaded to go back to Aldi the following day to buy a second jar of the popping candy spread in case we never saw it again. It’s got a pretty long date on it but I can’t see it lasting more than a few weeks to be honest.

Each item was great value, which is typical of Aldi.

8 ready made pancakes 99p

Golden Syrup 85p

Raspberry Spread £1.29

Chocolate Spread £1.29

Bananas 68p

Grated Cheese £1.99

Easy Peelers 99p

Lemon 29p

So if you were on a budget you could buy one jar of spread and one pack of pancakes for £2.28 and have 8 servings of Pancake Day treats.

*Disclosure: Aldi sent me a £10 voucher to buy ingredients for Pancake Day. The opinions in this post are representative of what we genuinely thought about the products we tried*

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1 Comment

  1. I hope they still have the raspberry popping candy spread next time I go, gone through two pots of the delicious stuff already!

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