It’s been a month since I made my new year resolutions and here I am to confess update the blog with my progress so far.

First up – weight loss.

In week one I joined in with Sim’s weight loss linky, Weight Loss Wednesday and was brutally honest about my current situation. I was set to succeed … and then I went on holiday.

Three days of blatant gluttony ensued and I decided to weigh in at the beginning of Feb instead!

Well, the beginning of February has arrived and guess what – I haven’t lost an ounce. In fact, I’ve gained weight. Ever the optimist though, I shall carry on (or not, actually) and start working towards a slimmer, healthier me.

Earning money through the blog

Well this is a fairly new blog in comparison to my parenting blog, Grumpyishmum, so this resolution will probably come into play later on in the year. I’m concentrating now on building up good quality content first because no decent company will want to work with a blog that’s full of crap. Thinking about it, I’d better get some guest posts sorted šŸ˜‰

Lastly, I intend to tick at least one thing off my list of things I want to do before I’m 40. I published the list three years ago and when I went to find it on my other blog, I discovered that it hadn’t been migrated over when I moved hosts and so hasn’t been live for over a year. Which means I haven’t given it much thought, have I!

Looking over the list now I feel I might want to change it. I’d intended to get myself a motorbike license, but actually that’s probably something I can take or leave. It’s a lot of money to pay out to be able to say I can do it. I couldn’t actually have a bike because I’ve never seen one that allows you to transport two kids, a dog and a grandma. If anyone does see a motorbikeĀ like that, gimme a shout!

Overall, I think that although this month hasn’t been a roaring success, I am entering the new month with renewed determination and a clearer picture of where I’m taking my life over the next twelve eleven months.

Have you blogged about your new year resolutions? Click the #GOSSresolutions button below to join us as we support one another throughout the year.

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  1. Don’t worry about the weight gain too much (you’re lovely as you are of course!) You’ll lose weight when you’re ready – I hate this pressure we put on ourselves! x

    1. Ah thanks Kate. Though I’m not sure how much pressure I felt when I was gorging on Moroccan delicacies!

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